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  • Jennifer Darby Metzger

Move for Hunger

Updated: Jan 23, 2019

We have a day for giving thanks. We have two days for getting deals. And now we have #GivingTuesday, a global day dedicated to giving back. Today nonprofits, families, businesses, and community came together for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity and to give. It was a simple idea. Just find a way for your family, your #Team, your community to come together to give something more. I am beyond proud of #TeamERA for coming together and celebrating this new tradition of generosity. Our #GirlScoutTroop also stepped up and learned some valuable lessons today. With all of the money donated today, our girls learned why it’s important to give to others and how some are in need. They learned how to budget and shop smart, and fill the pantries in our local community with items of need.

Thank you to all who came out today to help in the million different ways needed to make this something we are truly proud to have accomplished. 8 hours of organized chaos (with a few hiccups until we were in the swing of things) turned into one of the best days of the year! ⭐️

Corporate ERA Real Estate staff, thank you for your invaluable help and support this morning, ERA Justin Realty family for your hard work and selfless effort, James Sprayberry and Tritech Communications for jumping to the occasion and donating your truck!

Thank you to Craig Scott, Daniel & Kristin Meredith & Suzy Gujda for running over to the office and donating, so kind 😘... and a huge amount of gratitude for a very generous donation being delivered tomorrow from someone special in NYC (fueled by social media) and to the Rutherford Girl Scouts Troop 5838 for that little extra something that happens when children ask for donations 😉 and lastly to my beautiful Cate who just told me this was her best birthday ever! 🎂

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